Boyd, Larisa,L.Ac

Alumni Practitioner Service Directory
3542 Hollydale Drive Los Angeles CA 90039 USA
3542 Hollydale Drive Los Angeles CA 90039

Larisa is a founding member of the Clinical Excellency in Fertility Program (CEFP) organized by Dr. Randine Lewis, author of The Infertility Cure and founder of The Fertile Soulâ„¢. She is also a Fellow of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (, an organization devoted to raising the standard of competency for acupuncturists in the field of infertility.

About My Practice

Larisa Specializing in fertility blossom traditional chinese medicine , pregnancy and other reproductive conditions in both women and men. She works with couples trying to conceive naturally or with the help of IVF and other ART. Treatments include a combination of acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutrition, and lifestyle recommendations.

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