Neil Bernardi-Wright, L.Ac., FABORM

Alumni Practitioner Service Directory
1011 Center St. Santa Cruz, CA, 95060
1011 Center Street Santa Cruz California 95060 US

I graduated from the Master’s Degree program at the Five Branches Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1993 and passed both the California State and National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncturists (NCCA) exams a few months later. Having a chance to study with the faculty at Five Branches, who are all from mainland China, gave me an opportunity for a solid grounding in the traditional Chinese medical framework on health and the causes of disease, both as it has been practiced for thousands of years and how it intersects with modern, “Western” medical practice.

About My Practice

My practice started out focusing primarily on pain management (musculoskeletal and headaches/migraines), autoimmune disease, allergies, stress management, anxiety, sleep disorders, and health maintenance, and I still maintain a strong interest in these areas. Several years ago I developed an interest in working with male and female infertility issues, and this currently makes up over half my practice.

1010 Fair Avenue, Suite D, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 0 mi
(831) 425-1383(831) 425-1383
543 Frederick Street Santa Cruz CA 95062 USA 0 mi
311 Laurent St Santa Cruz, CA 95060 0 mi
Locust St. in downtown Santa Cruz Santa Cruz CA 95060 USA 0 mi
320 River St Santa Cruz CA 95060 USA 0 mi
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