Opportunity Detail

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Type: Practice for Sale

Practice for Sale

Employer/Practice: Kym Garrett Acupuncture
Address: Bend, OR
Phone number: (541) 848-1963
Email Address: kym@kymgarrettacupuncture.com
Web Address: https://sellingapractice.com/kga

Job/practice location

Bend, OR

About the Employer


Job Description




Short Description

Looking for a change of pace? Have you considered a move to Bend, OR? If so, this announcement is for you. I am seeking a new owner for my practice. Kym Garrett Acupuncture is a highly established practice specializing in oncology care. We work integratively with other western medical providers and receive weekly referrals from oncologists as well as a list of other care providers. We have a roster of wonderful, loyal, long-time patients, plenty of demand to grow further, and incredible quality of life here in Bend, OR. Not only will you have the opportunity to work with patients who value your care and treatments, you will also have the opportunity to work and live in Bend, OR where your daily round trip commute will be less than 15 minutes and where you live in a town that is situated in the high desert and the Cascade Mountains, meaning more days of sunshine than not and easy access to biking, skiing and river time.

How to contact

Please feel free to email kym@kymgarrettacupuncture or call 541-848-1963. I will respond within 24 hours.