Opportunity Detail

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Type: Practice Space for Rent

Space for Rent

Employer/Practice: Beyond PT
Address: 200 Washington St. Suite 109
Phone number: (831) 216-6138
Email Address: benny@beyondptsantacruz.com
Web Address: -

Job/practice location

Santa Cruz, CA

About the Employer

I am a pain recovery trainer and coach, helping a low volume of clients with training and rehabilitation for acute injuries, persistent pain, and osteoporosis. The room that is available for sublet is within a 1400 SF suite featuring a small gym, a kitchen, and a second 220 SF room adjacent to this listing's room. That second room is currently rented out to two virtually employed professionals.

Job Description

This is a listing for a room to sublease for massage therapy, or other healing arts.



Short Description

1-2 days per week for $145/day/month
3 days/week for $425/month or
7 days/week for $850/month

Feel free to inquire about price for the 4-6 days/wk range if you are looking for that!

It is unfurnished except for one armchair

Please reach out for more details!

We’re downtown close to the beach

Private Gym

Ground floor ADA access

WiFi for office work, restrooms etc

How to contact
