Linda Machol, MTCM, L.Ac. is National Board (NCCAOM) certified as a Diplomat of Acupuncture and holds a Colorado State acupuncture license.
Ms. Machol formal studies include a bachelor of science degree in Behavioral Science and Health from the University of Utah in 1988.
Ms. Machol began her studies in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Victoria , Canada. She then finished her Masters of Traditional Chinese Medicine at Five Branches University in Santa Cruz, California. During her clinical internship she interned at the Zhejiang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou, China. After which, she had the opportunity to study fertility related acupuncture in San Jose under the supervision of Dr. PoLin Shyu. She also is certified in Sports Medicine.
Over her career she has honed her diagnostic and treatment skills with emphases in Western and Eastern Medicine, Sports Medicine, Intenal Medicine, OB/GYN, Women’s Healthcare, Fertility, Pediatrics, and Pain Management.
Her life long interests in the field of the integration of Mind, Body, and Spirit for maintaining whole health, led her in the study of nutrition, herbology, yoga, and meditation for more than 30 years.