Diane Conway L.Ac.

Alumni Practitioner Service Directory
2815 Knik Ave Anchorage AK 99517 USA
2815 Knik Ave Anchorage AK 99517

My schooling was completed at Five Branches University in Santa Cruz, California. I earned a Masters in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

I also have a BS in Nutrition from Minnesota State University · Mankato .

I am a Diplomat with the National Commission of Certification for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)

The State of Alaska recognizes me as a Licensed Acupuncturist.

My concentration of study centered on understanding and applying the ancient teachings known as The Classics in Chinese Medicine, where some or our references date back 5,000 years.

In 2013 I earned my NAET certification, and I continue to expand on my NAET certifications.

About My Practice


Chinese Medicine

,NAET Allergy Elimination,


, Nutritional Support

Graduation Year
Graduation Month

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