Mr. Anthony Von der Muhll is the only Licensed Acupuncturist in Santa Cruz, CA who is a credentialed Fellow of the American Academy of Pain Management.
His training and clinical experience includes four years of graduate studies at the Five Branches University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and post-graduate training and national board certification in Acupuncture Orthopedics.
He was the first Licensed Acupuncturist to graduate from Five Branches’ Integrative Sports Medicine Certificate program, and has served as a Clinical Instructor in Integrative Sports Medicine at Five Branches since 2003.
Was founded in 2003 by Anthony Von der Muhll, L.Ac., DNBAO, FAAPM, to serve patients with pain, sports injuries, and other neuro-musculoskeletal conditions with acupuncture and other modalities from Traditional Chinese Medicine and contemporary integrative sports medicine.