I maintain my private practice in Santa Cruz, CA. Santa Cruz is a place of beauty, wonder and healing. It’s no mystery why the world-renowned Five Branches University, Graduate School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, chose this seaside community for their main campus. While studying for my license at Five Branches I began my extensive studies in Functional Medicine. Over the past 15 years I have completed hundreds of hours of Functional Medicine training through the Kalish Institute, the Institute for Functional Medicine, and numerous conferences and seminars. Working with hundreds of patients through both my private practice and SCD Lifestyle has given me effective tools to confidently help people resolve their health issues.
While Functional Medicine and Acupuncture can be used to address any chronic health issue, there are a some areas where these modalities really shine.
Here are a few of the things I have had excellent results treating:
Digestive Disorders including: Leaky Gut Syndrome, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s Disease, SIBO, Parasites and Candida Overgrowth,
Chronic Fatigue,
Fertility & Sub-Fertility,
Reproductive Hormone Imbalance,
Irregular Periods,
Thyroid Health & Function,