Olivia Liu, L.Ac

Alumni Practitioner Service Directory
1043 Makawao Ave Makawao, HI 96768
1043 Makawao Avenue Makawao Hawaii 96768 US

Olivia Liu is a Licensed Acupuncturist both in Hawaii and California, which currently holds the highest standards for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine licensure. She graduated from Five Branches University in Santa Cruz, California after completing four years of study in Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Dietetics and Western Medicine.

About My Practice

There she specialized in Women’s Health, taking specialty classes and clinics in Gynecology and Fertility. She also specialized in Five Element Acupuncture, which was a unique program that required separate clinical studies. In Santa Cruz she also began her interest in Kiiko Style Acupuncture, studying and interning with several Kiiko’s students.

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