Her studies took her across the country to Bridgeport, Connecticut where she earned her doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine and two Masters; one in Human Nutrition and one in Acupuncture; all from the University of Bridgeport. A firm believer in Hippocrates who said “Let food be thy medicine,” Dr. Tran-Olive trained with Dr. Peter D’Adamo, ND, author of the New York Times Bestseller, Eat Right for Your Type (The Blood Type Diet) at the world renowned D’Adamo Clinic. During this time she also became a Fellow of the Institute for Human Individuality (FIFHI). Dr. Tran-Olive is happy to currently be back home in San Jose, CA; where she completed her Masters of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) from Five Branches University.
Dr. Julie specializes in:
Cellulite Detox Reduction
Pain Management