Erik Smith holds a masters degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) from Five Branches University and a masters degree in Clinical Nutrition from Bastyr University. He is licensed to practice acupuncture and herbal medicine by the California Acupuncture Board and the National Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). Erik holds specialty certifications in Sports Medicine Acupuncture and Qi Gong Instruction, and completed an externship in Orthopedics with Zhejiang College of TCM in Hongzhou, China. Erik is Board Certified in Acupuncture Orthopedics, placing him among only 1% of acupuncturists holding this level of training in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions. Erik is our pain specialist and is known for his quick results with acute injuries and chronic pain. He draws from multiple traditions and has the unique ability to melt tight muscles with acupuncture alone. Erik is also our nutrition specialist, holding a deep knowledge of the therapeutic nature of whole foods and dietary supplements.
Erik specializes in:
• Pain Relief
• Sports Medicine
• Stress Management
• Men’s Health
• Allergies