Graduated from one of the Five Branches University, and learned Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture from many talented and compassionate Teachers, Transformation Acupuncture is committed to promoting personal health and wellness. Our philosophy is rooted in the age-old idea that balance in life equates to health and healthy living requires balance. Through Acupuncture, personal diet, and lifestyle changes, we will work with patients as a team to achieve the goal in their personal health.
Transformation Acupuncture, Oakland, CA
Treatments & Relief
A foundational treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture dates back thousands of years. Used to realign the body’s energy or Qi (pronounced “chee”), it essentially maintains the dynamic balance of the yin and yang. And while it is not clearly understood how these treatments work, acupuncture undeniably produces healing and therapeutic effects when administered properly.
At Transformation Acupuncture, we understand how an injury or pain can impede you from enjoying life and living it to the fullest. Our acupuncturists specialize in treating injuries, chronic headaches, and even infertility using a mixture of Japanese Meridian Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Acupuncture.