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Type: Practice for Sale

Practice for Sale

Employer/Practice: TCM Acupuncture Clinic
Address: 259 Spreckels Ave
Manteca, CA 95336
Phone number: (209) 665-1817
Email Address: mervyn@tcmmanteca.com
Web Address: https://www.tcmacupuncturewellness.com/

Job/practice location

Manteca, CA

About the Employer

機會難得! 優美績優的中醫針灸診所轉讓位於Manteca CA 95336 (與Tracy , Modesto 相鄰)

於Manteca唯一獨立中醫診所,經營優異,深獲病人好評與喜愛,並獲 Google 與 Yelp高評,病人數穩定並增長,且有病人轉介合作,收入優渥,經營者因計畫退休而轉讓.  此診所作為開創新診所事業或者第二間診所增設都是最佳選擇.

診所交通便利,地點高尚,寬敞停車場,內部舒適完善, 乾淨優美, 設備齊全, 包含櫃台辦公室, 候診室,三間診間隔間完善病人隱私舒適,一間寬敞洗手間,另外加洗衣機乾衣機及熱水器可自行清洗便利,還加上3個洗手槽(一個深槽用於清洗醫療用品工具,牆壁隔開的另一邊為雙槽用於食具用品洗滌,乾淨衛生,旁連結寬敞檯面可供微波爐或其他器具擺放, 冰箱及飲水機各項機能齊全

Job Description




Short Description

The modern clinic occupies 1000 sqft with 3 treatment rooms, an office, a restroom and a reception area. All equipment and supplies will be included in the sale. The clinic is located in a nice strip mall area close to a number of other medical providers (Chiropractor, Dentist, Doctors Clinics and Doctors Hospital).
Over 30% of patients are referred by medical doctors dealing with workers Compensation cases, about 25% of the remaining patients are referred by existing patients and the remainder contact us after using our website. The clinic is well established in the area and has an excellent reputation gaining good reviews on Google and Yelp. It is a turn-key operation with more than 1000 patient files, good business practices and great patient satisfaction. The clinic also has in-house laundry and 3 functional sinks for work and personal use.
We will spend time with the new owner at no charge to ensure a smooth transition.
Contact us for more information on this Acupuncture Clinic for sale.
Tel : 209-665-1817

How to contact

Call 209-665-1817 or email mervyn@tcmmanteca.com