Chris Helmstetter is co-owner of Triangle Acupuncture Clinic, LLC and is nationally licensed and board certified in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. He maintains state licenses in both North Carolina and California and specializes in the treatment of pain.
Chris earned his Bachelor of Science degree in psychology at St. Lawrence University and began work as a substance abuse counselor in New York State. He encountered acupuncture for the first time as an adjunct therapy in the treatment of addiction. He trained at Lincoln Hospital in the South Bronx and was certified as an Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist (ADS). After running an auricular acupuncture detoxification program in a substance abuse facility in New York, Chris moved to California to study acupuncture in depth at an accredited acupuncture college. He earned his masters degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) at Five Branches Institute.
The various styles and acupuncture techniques Chris is trained in allow him to successfully treat a wide array of pain conditions, whether a person has an acute injury, sports injury, industrial injury or chronic pain. With each case, Chris uses the form of acupuncture that best fits an individual’s unique circumstance, pain levels and goals for recovery.