Olivia Baker is a California State Board Licensed Acupuncturist and a Nationally Certified Diplomat of Oriental Medicine.
In 2011, Olivia fell very ill and turned to acupuncture for help. Not only did she fully recover, she also discovered her calling. Chinese medicine was the modality she had been searching for to assist people in need. She then moved to Santa Cruz, CA to pursue her studies at Five Branches University.
While in school, Olivia interned at China Medical University in Taiwan to study various styles of Acupuncture to deepen and expand her knowledge of Chinese Medicine. She also interned with one of the leading fertility acupuncture clinics in the Bay Area. With a passion for learning, background in Psychology, and diverse clinical training, Olivia is a dynamic and dedicated practitioner
Her specialties include:
Women’s Health
Psychological and Emotional Disorders
Sleep Disorders