Dr. Sheng-wei Lan holds the Doctorate of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine degree. She is a practitioner specializing in Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Ayurvedic medicine. Dr. Sheng-wei Lan is a member of AAAOM of American Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and a member of AYUSH Preventive HealthCare — A global Health and Wellness Network.
Dr. Lan specializes in internal medicine, diabetes management, women’s wellness, mental wellness,(MSTCM dissertation on Manic depression/bi-polar disorder,http://www.doctorlan.com/dissertation.html) pain management, Ayurvedic perspective of lifestyle and dietary counseling. Dr. Sheng-wei Lan’s doctoral studies and research have enhanced her keen interest in diabetes syndrome improving through Tai Ji Fan practice.(DAOM thesis: http://www.fivebranches.edu/doctorate-daom/curriculum-phd/1048#p27) Dr. Lan was a doctoral program member of the TCM Diabetes Team focus on the care and prevention of diabetes at Five Branches University. She is honored for her part in the research of this informative publication. Her lifelong studies in Ayurvedic, Tibetan medicines, Chinese medicine, nutrition and Tai Ji Fan practice are gratefully drawn together by this experience. She has healed over 10,000 patients through her “Great Compassion Healing Center” clinic in Berkeley/Albany, California as well as at numerous volunteer events by the Charlotte Maxwell cancer clinic in Oakland, Tzu Chi Charity Organization, Berkeley MBH Center, and Elephant Pharmacy. She is also a former faculty member in Five Branches University in California.